Sunday, July 09, 2006

Stupid Show - 10 Most Misunderstood Terms

A look at the 10 most misunderstood terms as voted by the local community.


As in I now want to set fire to a plastic toy
Well there may be a few more to come. Just got to get the VHS working again. Stay tuned
Congratulations on 500 pageviews
Imagine if these had come out before your deacons nomination!
People with avatars of old people rejoice!
Can you imagine! Could these videos be likened to those saucy ones that leak out with Paris Hilton or Matt Damon? I am so embarressed, how could I have done this, it is going to ruin my career!!!!
isn't it amazing what is produced when young people are involved with drugs and alcohol
Hehe, phenalalyne... What?!

That was awesome! I think I started coming to church at the very near demise of the Stupid Show (these guys used to show these at a night church service!). There was much ado about your shennanigans! More more more!

Hey, how did you get the show from a VHS tape onto your pc?
I used some software called VHS Copyit, free download from I took the tape apart and wound the magnetic tape around a blank CD spindle. I put it into the CD drive, it was a little tight but I got it in the end. Then I pushed the CNTRL ALT COPY keys and the machine did the rest. The result is a fantastic digital copy of some fine comedy.
I thought you should know that your comment made me snort laughing. How embarrasing.
The end


No really... did u use a camera or your VCR?
I used my video camera, connected a VCR to the analogue input and connected the camera to my PC using a firewire connection. I used Movie Maker to capture the video I wanted and compress it to a size that xould be uploaded easliy to YouTube.
"Ahhh..." and "Darn!"

I need a video camera.
On a more selfish and uncharacteristically impatient note, how will I know when my iPod arrives?

I couldn't think of a way to write that without it sounding like I was nagging...
Most likly you will know when you see me trying it out. Didnt arrive today but I will expect Monday, I'll let you know once it has reached my arms.
Oh... yeah. Dad says your trivia night was tonight... now I feel bad...
No need to feel bad, I will just charge you extra
YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!! Man that was funny! i want to see more! MORE!!!
I want to see some naked Faramir. I mean... nope, there's no covering that one up...
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