Sunday, May 21, 2006


Riding Your Bike

Today Martin used an analogy at church that spoke of a person riding their bike. At the start, the person rode slowly and had difficulty keeping balance, first falling to the left, next to the right. No mater how slow the person rode, he often fell. As the rider got faster, pushed toward the goal, it became easier to balance and less falls were had. The harder he pushed towards the end, the easier it got. The storey made a point of us focusing on the goal and not on the little things that can get in the way, letting God search our hearts and enable him to remove those stumbling blocks.

It got me thinking about the storey in another perspective though. My thoughts were for those people around us who are focused on the goal and pushing towards the end but who fall during the ride. Most, if they are riding quickly, sustain major injuries. I had reason to think of a mate who has recently "fallen from his bike" and is having trouble getting back on. He is totally dismayed, has lost sight of his Reason and is really struggling with what his past 30 years have represented. How do we remain at top speed and return to the bike after an injury? In reflection I think it has a lot to do with our support crew, our team. If we do not surround ourselves with people who know us deeply, can support us in trouble and who can encourage us through the tough times, we will most likely fall to the side of the road, become another casualty, just another cross on the side of the road.

A penny for your thoughts?

Wow... what can you say? I feel for your friend. I feel like I can understand to some degree. May a gentle and loving truth prevail.
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