Sunday, April 23, 2006


Monkey Business

Ever heard the analogy of the Monkey? This is something I read and thought worth remembering. Thanks to Mike for his words of wisdom.

"One of the best ways to build a business is to be a pain in the ass to the existing 500 pound gorilla. Is there a market that they are under serving? Are their clients unhappy with them but have no alternative? These are very good markets to exploit.

The infamous 500 pound gorilla has got what I like to call the "Three M's", Money, Market Share and Momentum. But many times these make that gorilla an easy target to a broke, agile, no business having monkey.

Momentum carries the gorilla forward down the same path. Any change in business strategy can mean a loss of their current customers. He has to plan, measure, and move with passionless thought. The monkey swings from idea to idea and has to stay way out in front since he is often showing the gorilla the path. The monkey is the innovator the gorilla the executioner.

The monkey is hungry and does not have much capital, he needs to find some early success or die. He is willing to listen to his customers and create a product that is truly reflective of their needs. The gorilla pours huge amounts of money into marketing to convince customers that his product will solve their problems and to maintain market share. The monkey is passionate the gorilla is introspective.

Market share can be a pain for the gorilla. He has worked very hard to get where he is very resistant to change. Change means risk and uncertainty, this is bad for the stock price. New products might not sell as good as the old ones and he may lose customers. The monkey has no market share to speak of. He can create niches of customers for whom he will deliver the world. He can create new and innovative products where there is no market. He can steal whole markets with a shift in paradigm. The monkey is creative, the gorilla is protective.

And keep in mind some day you will be the gorilla to some young monkey."

Is this related to Daves 'Banana Economy'? Which of the monkeys are like the Silver back at Melbourne Zoo who had to be taken away becasue he kept pooing in his hand and throwing it at the visitors?
I think the Monkey is more like the red bottomed baboon. The one who consitently scaraping his backside along the ground trying to get rid of that anoying itch. Not that it fits the analogy, I just like mentioning the red bottomed baboon.
Me are am gorilla. I are filling with smarts. Hear my smarts:

By the way, does anyone know how to get a monkey? I am in the market for one, as a pet, surely someone knows someone who knows someone!!! I got me some nice bananas!!
A better question to ask in South-East Asia...
So thats a no?
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